Saturday 24 May 2008

Anne Heche - Heche I Have No Money

Actress ANNE HECHE has blamed the cancellation of TV series MEN IN TREES for her inability to pay child support.

The star was granted a reprieve in the monthly payments of $14,978 (GBP7,489) to her ex-husband Coley Laffoon for their six-year-old son Homer.

But Heche has been ordered by a judge to provide up-to-date income and expense information for the case - as she claims she also can no longer afford to pay Homer's school fees, the mortgage on her house in Canada where Men In Trees was filmed, the rent on her California home, and car expenses.

In court papers, she says, "I am continuing to look for work, but I have no offers pending and the impending strike by the Screen Actors Guild reduces my prospects for work even further,

"Since January 18, 2008, I have been unemployed and had no income from employment except for one very short-term contract for a movie role for which I received a total of $65,000 (GBP32,500) approximately the amount I received for one episode of Men In Trees.

"I do receive some residuals from previous acting work. However, the amounts are nominal and are offset by recurring business expenses that must be paid whether or not I am working."

See Also